How to Water Your New Sod from a Sod Farm Near You

Watering your new sod from a sod farm near you is an important part of ensuring that it grows and thrives. The frequency of watering depends on the amount of water emitted by your sprinkler system, as well as the temperature and sun exposure. Generally, the first two weeks of daily watering are the most important, followed by weekly watering thereafter. To get the most out of your investment, here are some tips on how to water your new grass.

Put a lot of water in your first irrigation.

The water should be 3 to 4 inches deep after the first watering.

This will help ensure that the roots of your new grass are properly hydrated and can start to take hold in the soil.

Check the maintenance height.

If you purchased your grass from a sod farm, you can find the maintenance height on the product page. This will help you determine how much water is necessary for each irrigation.

Monitor the temperature and sun exposure.

If temperatures are not high and there is no sun, you can water your new grass less often. However, if temperatures are high and there is a lot of sun exposure, you may need to increase the frequency of watering. By following these steps on how to water your new grass, you can ensure that it grows and thrives. Properly watering your new sod from a sod farm near you will pay off in the long run!.

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