How to Lay Down New Turf from a Nearby Sod Farm

Before beginning any work, it is essential to evaluate the soil. To ensure that the lawn grows optimally, the soil should have a pH between 6.0 and 7.5, which is slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. If the soil is too acidic or too alkaline, it can cause the new grass to struggle and even become damaged. To determine precisely what amendments are needed and in what quantities, it is necessary to test the soil.

In northern regions, turf farms may offer a standard Kentucky bluegrass mix, a salt-tolerant mix for applications near roads and sidewalks that are treated with defrosting salt, and a low-grass fescue mix. Once you have mowed the new grass, roll it halfway through with a water roller, rolling it up perpendicular to the strips of grass. Local garden centers are convenient and typically offer the most common varieties in your area, but buying directly from a turf farm can give you more options and experience in types of grass. You can transport small quantities of grass yourself from a lawn supplier, garden center, or home improvement store, as long as you have a suitable vehicle. After you know how much grass you need and have placed your order, it is time to prepare for the grass installation. With the grass placed next to the curve, grab a couple of points along an edge and push them together so that the grass follows the contours of the bed.

For strips of grass in the adjacent row, be sure to stagger the ends of the grass rolls so that the seams don't line up. Saratoga Sod Farm is proud to cultivate, supply and install high-quality natural grass for commercial and residential customers in 26% of Northeast New York. The grass will start to dry out and die after about 24 hours rolled up on a pallet, so it is important to be ready to work as soon as the grass is delivered.

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